
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Fan of Thrones. A Post of Ice and Fire

To say Game of Thrones is The Biggest Thing on Television right now will not be an Overstatement. Not just TV, it’s also one of the Biggest things on Internet and it’s source for a LOT of Memes, Fan-Pages, Forums, Wikis and Blogs. I can go on and on explaining the reach & impact of the show but I’m sure you already have an idea. It’s everywhere and it’s Huge. And ironically, a huge chunk of the Viewers who have taken GoT to the levels it’s on now, watch the show through channels that do not benefit the creators i.e. by illegal Downloads. Despite that Show creators and HBO are able to continuously increase scale of the show. I’m sure it should be one of The most expensive Television show.
The reason I’m writing this post about Game of Thrones is simple I’m a HUGE Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire Song and simply wanted to write about it (For those of you who do not know it yet, the show is based on a book series and the name of the series is A Song of Ice and Fire). So I’ll write this post about My journey from being introduced to this TV series to the point that I’m a Big enough fan to sit and write this post.
I was a slacker compared to a lot of fans, while book readers have been fans since 1996 and TV fans joined in 2011  I joined the clan in the beginning of 2015. I saw the name of the series and I knew it has huge fan base. I also saw name of the show in Emmy but I wasn’t interested. I knew GRR Martin, the writer of the book series if being compared to the Great  JRR Tolkien (I always find it weird how similar names they have). But even that didn’t fascinate Me enough.

I watched the first season of the show only when  a friend of mine who was also a huge Tolkien fan asked Me to try it. So,  I borrowed the first season  and was immediately impressed. Initially I felt as if GRR Martin has taken every single aspect of Fiction and Fantasy and turned Game of Thrones into one huge & hot multi-cuisine soup. But slowly and steady I was hooked. So by the time it was time for Season Five to air, I was up to date with the rest of the TV series fan world and I had become a banner-man for the show.  Became such huge fan that I started researching everything available from fan theories to myths and lore of Westros. I even started reading the book. On top of that I became such a huge fan that I started introducing people to the series. And every single one of them is now him/herself is a huge fan of the series. Because no doubt, it’s Amazing!

 I still remember the time I saw the Red Wedding. Man!! I was deeply stunned when the episode ended I was lost for a few moments. I was also shell-shocked when I saw Ned Stark’s death. There are many many more moments that were so well written and executed that made Me go crazy for the show.

There have been many moments that made you feel something in your guts and there were moments that made you feel ecstatic. Be it Tyrion’s Court-room monologue or The Mountain vs Viper trial by Combat or the Battle of Hardhome. They were all so engaging and entertaining. 

There were character developments that seemed natural over the seasons but made you change your options back and forth. And there were other moments that felt so sad and yet so so crucial for the over-all (Freshest, Saddest and one of the Best HOLY SH*T moments : Hold The Door).

I must say,  HBO & the Creators have done an amazing job in depicting most of the elements of the Book in a great manner. They have created many elements with such perfection that the parts they screwed (Best example Dorne) can be forgiven.

At the time of this post’s publishing, Six episodes have been aired of the Sixth season and we are now heading towards the end of the series. As per the comments made by HBO and the creators of the show Eigth season will be the Last Season. They even made statements that hinted that after Season Six, it will be all about tying the lose ends and ending the story. But I must the journey they have taken us on has been something that I personally has never experienced before.  So I’ll not be acting too smart and giving out statements for the show. All I’ll say is

To HBO  : Great Job HBO, May the Old Gods and the New bless you with a lot of subscriptions and Loads of Money.

To Weiss & Benioff, the Creators of the Show : You did justice to the words of GRRM. You gave body to the soul He Created.

To GRRM Martin : Respect Sir! You are now a inspiration for writers the way Tolkien was for you.


I know none of the people I listed above will ever read this words, but I did My Part. In words of an Amazing Actor, Bryan Cranston : You can only do your part. Rest is all out of your control.  So don’t even think about it.

And in words of Steve Rogers (My Favorite Fictional Hero who could be a double agent now. Damn!) “I’m with you till the end of the line”

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